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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Living in the Temple of the Holy Spirit

Living in a temple of The Holy Spirit————(some gleanings from one of my notebooks in which I write when thoughts start flowing and I don't want to forget them.)

Pause pay attention. What is it to live in your body? How does it feel? When you don't feel well what is it like? I wonder what it feels like for a person who lives in a sick body.- A body that doesn't function well? I remember how I felt when I was recovering from cancer surgery. I did not like living in my body unable to move around and go like I wanted to. I was impatient. 

Not feel good when can't take care of yourself. When someone else has to help you get up. Feels bad when the helper is impatient and irritable. Probably upset seeing you in this condition. 

Persons all across the globe are in diverse conditions of living. Some live in affluence enjoying the benefits they can afford. Including the best medical care. Others barely survive and die for lack of adequate care. And prior to medical services as we know it today persons lives were carried on until illness or accident took them down. Which context of living was best?  There must be another level of experiencing life. 

A persons life is more than food, clothes, medical care. There is the invisible spiritual life that is the core of ones human experience. This is not finally dictated by freedom from disease and disability. 

There persons in various un desirable states of physical being who manifest attitude in living that is positive and healthy despite the condition of their body. Maybe such persons have some how come to a state of contentment/grace that enables them to transcend illness. 

There comes a time when one focuses on living and allows the body to run its course to death without superficial interference. i e medical contrivances that keep the heart beating when the rest of the body is ready to die. 

"…..don't you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you?……(1 Corinthians 6:19)

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