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Friday, October 23, 2015

Fwd: thought

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path…." (Psalms 119:105) - GOD MEETS US WHERE WE ARE. WE ARE BLESSED WHEN WE PAUSE TO FEEL, SENSE, KNOW WE ARE NOT WITHOUT WHAT WE NEED….what we need may come to us in a unexpected way and it comes in the face, word, touch of …….

Saturday, October 17, 2015

My daddy's dreams

> The house was old and in poor condition when we moved in and nothing significant was ever done to improve it. There simply never was enough money beyond the necessities of caring for a wife and two boys. Never-the-less, i vividly remember hearing my daddy dream of what he would like to do to the house. He simply could not do it. Now, as i look back and hear him talking I feel great appreciation for the fact that he never stopped dreaming. Truth be know, one reason I grew up wanting to get things done and made things happen is that I started dreaming of what I would do for daddy and mother if I had the money. I would fix that old house up and do all the things daddy dreamed talked about doing. I guess what this means is that my daddy did not just sit there and daydream and nothing ever happened. Actually he was a source of motivation for me to take advantage of my youth and ability to get things done beyond the dream stage. I hear the words of John in The Revelation when he hears God saying: "Behold, I make all things new….". God is still dreaming too and to this day getting things done through you and me. Nope. My daddy did not idly dream and nothing happened….in his humanity he taught me…

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


> A favorite quote of President George H.W. Bush: "Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." President George W. Bush writes in "41" that his dad has lived by these words. Another quote I have heard many times is; "actions speak louder than words." and in scripture we read that you will know a tree by its fruits. ==== a point of light for living this day====

Monday, October 12, 2015

Imperfect Human

> "IT JUST MIGHT BE THAT THE KIND OF MAN GOD NEEDS IS AN OPENHEARTED, HELPLESS MAN. NOT ONE WHO HAS ALL HIS LIFE UNDER CONTROL, THE REINS SECURELY IN HIS OWN HANDS." (Eugenia Price) —— God specializes in broken/imperfect human beings, and transforms them into the beautiful persons they are meant to be.


> "WE HAVE NOT STOPPED PRAYING FOR YOU. WE CONTINUALLY ASK GOD TO FILL YOU WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL…."(Colossians 1:9) - It is comforting to know we are not in this life pilgrimage alone. We need each others prayers at all times. We need our prayer love team on the job always.

Friday, October 9, 2015



"DO NOT JUDGE, OR YOU TOO WILL BE JUDGED." (Matthew 7:1) - This thought has been rolling across the screen of my consciousness lately. Maybe I need to pause these words and spend a little time listening to what they mean. If I could get off the judging seat maybe the load would not be so heavy. It is hard to do the work of judging because it has a way of coming back to bite you in the ……..Lord, help me to leave the judging to you and let me just live and practice life in Grace…..

Drew W Edwards

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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Psalm 119

> "…but I'm only concerned with your plans for me.
> I see the limits to everything human,
> but the horizons can't contain your commands!"
> -Psalm 119:96 (The Message)
> Freedom, perspective, power, peace reside in these thoughts
> whatever the moment of your experience….

Psalm 119

> "…but I'm only concerned with your plans for me.
> I see the limits to everything human,
> but the horizons can't contain your commands!"
> -Psalm 119:96 (The Message)
> Freedom, perspective, power, peace reside in these thoughts
> whatever the moment of your experience….


"….sharing is simply the overflow of joy." (Elizabeth Sherrill) — ponder this thought today and discover meaning….

Imperfect Humans

> "IT JUST MIGHT BE THAT THE KIND OF MAN GOD NEEDS IS AN OPENHEARTED, HELPLESS MAN. NOT ONE WHO HAS ALL HIS LIFE UNDER CONTROL, THE REINS SECURELY IN HIS OWN HANDS." (Eugenia Price) —— God specializes in broken/imperfect human beings, and transforms them into the beautiful persons they are meant to be.