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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Body, Mind, Spirit

BODY,MIND,SPIRIT. One does not exist to the exclusion of the other. Each one takes work to maintain. To be intellectually lazy is as unhealthy as to be physically lazy or spiritually indifferent. Use your mind-think-question-examine-test-lerarn. When Jesus said you will know   the truth and the truth will set you free, he was inviting us to seek,  to do the work of thinking and knowing. Otherwise we will stumble around in the blindness and foolishness of ignorance and ignorance is not is disastrous. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You are my Friends

You are my friends. These words Jesus spoke to the people of his day and to us today. I like to think of it as the difference between dialogue and dictatorship. God is not interested in being our dictator making us slaves. God wants us in relationship, conversation. God wants us to travel with Holy Spirit through each moment and see the wonders of life, also do with him the work of kindness, reaching out with a helping hand or saying a encouraging word in the right moment. Let us walk together in relationship with Presence.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fwd: thought

"To be Christian means to be in a continuing conversation with the Bible as foundational for our identity and vision." (Marcus J. Borg) - The two words that are important to me here are "continuing conversation". Knowing God through scripture is a life long journey for the Word that comes through the words of scripture come alive in part according to my readiness to know and understand. I enter conversation with the Bible today and see something I did not see yesterday because today I am at a different place in life. -continuing conversation-

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Be Still and Know that I am God

> BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. The NATURAL NORTH POLE of creation draws us into the HEART AND PRESENCE of HOLY SPIRIT all through the day and night, even when we sleep. We are being made new, born again, in GOD'S ETERNAL LOVE FOR US. Relax, let it happen....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

God's Spirit Blows Wherever it Wishes

GOD'S SPIRIT BLOWS WHEREVER IT WISHES....(John 3:8) -- God's Spirit is prejudiced against no one and inclusive of everyone. Don't be surprised when you suddenly become aware of Spirit present in a most unexpected and unusual way, but on the other hand expect Spirit in the most common of ways and moments too.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I FORGET ABOUT THE THINGS BEHIND ME AND REACH OUT FOR THE THINGS AHEAD OF ME. ....GOD'S UPWARD CALL IN CHRIST JESUS. (Philippians 3: 13,14) -  There is a lot of stuff behind me that clutters my mind, clogs my spirit, sabotages the opportunity and relationship of the moment. It is like living in a house that is never cleaned, never culled of useless stuff until it has no room for yourself of anyone else . No matter what is the past it does not have to dictate the present. It does not predict the seem for now. God sends the storms to clean up nature and if we allow it the storms can clean up our inner self and we can make fresh new experiences and memories. and so i say to myself and you let go of the past crap and let the miraculous providence transform the present and deliver a wonderful future.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fwd: thought

"LET JUSTICE ROLL ON LIKE A RIVER AND RIGHTEOUSNESS LIKE AN EVER-FLOWING STREAM." (Amos 5:24) - "DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU." (Luke 6:31) - Seems to me these teachings are the two sides of the same coin. They have to do with how we treat one another. They are about respect and fairness in all our interactions. They caution us about the danger of saying things about one another that are fabricated and untrue. We can benefit from these teachings in the toxic verbal climate of today. These teachings are as relevant today as they were the day they were first spoken.

Fwd: thought

 MY TIMES ARE IN THY HANDS-MY FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS. (Psalm 31: 15) - as I remember all the way back into early childhood I see glimpses of times when these words were fulfilled in my life. Thank You Holder of past,present,future. amen